Relative Time

Learn how to display how long ago an event occurred. For example, when a user posts or creates something, you'll be able to display "Posted 2 hours ago."

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9 minutes

Learn how to display how long ago an event occurred. For example, when a user posts or creates something, you'll be able to display "Posted 2 hours ago."

Like other popular web applications, learn how to display relative time on posts, activities, and more within your no-code web application. For example, instead of posting the specific time a post or activity happened in your application, instead display 'this event occurred 5 min ago." This is a great no-code tutorial that is useful for just about any no-code web application.

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Height Responsive Menus

Build responsive menus that are dynamic in height. No matter the height of a users browser, menus will shrink/expand in height to fit the screen.